Our Addictions Training (treatment) is designed specifically for our Adult and Teenaged Clients including: Civilians, Police, Fire, EMS, 911 Dispatchers and Veterans / Military Service Members (and their Families).

Addiction(s) has been defined as:

: “The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular Substance, Thing or Activity”

: “The state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit forming, as Narcotics, to such an extent that it’s cessation causes severe trauma”

: “A strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)”

Recovery from these and other Addictions can be achieved (rehabilitation) through our “Resiliency and Optimal Performance Consistency Training”. (treatment)

WHY CHOOSE US? WE resolve the underlying root cause, NOT the symptoms!

Many of our Clients did not achieve the Results they had anticipated through conventional / mainstream Treatment approaches…

If you or a loved one are in this circumstance, please contact us to discuss how we might best assist with your / their Recovery.

Contact us Today to schedule your Consultation.

Our Treatment (training) is Rapid and Effective and our Results are Immediate and Measurable.